
Cohen-Macaulay Ring

Also called Macaulay ring, a Cohen Macaulay ring is a Noetherian commutative unit ring R in which any proper ideal I of height n contains a sequence x_1, ..., x_n of elements (called a ring regular sequence such that for all i=1, ..., n, the residue class of x_i in the quotient ring R/<x_1,...,x_(i-1)> is a non-zero divisor.

If x_1, ..., x_n are indeterminates over a field K, the above condition is fulfilled by the maximal ideal I=<x_1,...,x_n>. In fact, the notion of Cohen-Macaulay ring was inspired by polynomial rings. The above property was proven for the first time by Macaulay (1916) for every ideal in a polynomial ring over the complex field.

The class of Cohen-Macaulay rings contains the class of Gorenstein rings, which includes all regular local rings (Bruns and Herzog 1998, p. 95). These were intensively studied by Cohen (1946, pp. 85-106).

See also

Gorenstein Ring, Noetherian Ring

This entry contributed by Margherita Barile

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Balcerzyk, S. and Józefiak, T. "Cohen-Macaulay Rings." Ch. 3 in Commutative Rings: Dimension, Multiplicity and Homological Methods. Chichester, England: Ellis Horwood, pp. 101-107, 1989.Bourbaki, N. "Anneaux de Macaulay." §2.5 in Eléments de mathématiques, Chap. 10, Algèbre Commutative. Paris, France: Masson, pp. 30-32, 1998.Bruns, W. and Herzog, J. Cohen-Macaulay Rings, 2nd ed. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1998.Cohen, I. S. "On the Structure and Ideal Theory of Complete Local Rings." Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 59, 54-106, 1946.Hutchins, H. H. Examples of Commutative Rings. Passaic, NJ: Polygonal Publishing House, 1981.Kunz, E. "Regular Sequences, Cohen-Macaulay Rings and Modules." §6.3 in Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser, pp. 183-191, 1985.Macaulay, F. S. The Algebraic Theory of Modular Systems. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1916.Matsumura, H. "Cohen-Macaulay rings." §17 in Commutative Ring Theory. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, pp. 133-139, 1986.Samuel, P. and Zariski, O. "Macaulay rings." §A6 in Commutative Algebra, Vol. 2. Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand, pp. 394-403, 1958.Sharp, R. Y. "Cohen-Macaulay Rings." Ch. 17 in Steps in Commutative Algebra, 2nd ed. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, pp. 330-344, 2000.

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Cohen-Macaulay Ring

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Barile, Margherita. "Cohen-Macaulay Ring." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource, created by Eric W. Weisstein.

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